Dependencia a internet pdf

Additionally, internet addiction scores differed significantly according to sex, relationship status, age and academic year. Abstract this paper aims to validate the existence of associations between internet addiction and psychopa thological symptoms and to assess the relationship between internet addiction and collected social and demographic data. The results obtained allowed us to adapt a short version 12items of the internet addiction test with good psychometric properties and reliability. Internet social networking, psychological addiction, behavioral disorders. Por vezes podera ate navegar na web um pouco demais, no entanto, tem controlo sobre a sua utilizacao. Esta dependencia foi amplamente descrita como um vicio comportamental pirocca, 2012. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. With the introduction of the new technologies to our daily lives, the internet and electronic games have become widely and. Since internet made its first appearance for the general public, and its thereafter growth, different emerging health issues have been described. Dependencia em internet e jogos electronicos pplware. Also to gather informations in these studies for a more efficient diagnosis of di. Definition of internet addiction internet dependency dr. Dependencia da internet wikipedia, a enciclopedia livre.

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